Instructional Techniques and Methods

The programs are provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for State Board preparation, graduation and job entry level skills. Clinic equipment, implements and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through well-developed lesson plans that reflect the latest educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of lecture, demonstration, distance education, and student participation. Audio-visual aids, guest speakers, field trips, and other related learning methods are used in the course.

In order to enroll in the hybrid program of study, the Future Professional must have the following hardware, software, and network requirements:

  1. Any modern computer, tablet, or phone with an Apple, Android, or Microsoft operating system will allow the student to participate. It is the Future Professionals responsibility to keep the iPad charged and ready for use. The iPad is for classroom use. If the student decides to store personal photos and music on their iPad, it is suggested for the student to pay for cloud  storage. There is memory on the iPad for the required software that is needed for each program as long as the student is not storing personal information.
  2. The minimum required internet connection is 2+ Mbps
  3. Milady
  4. Latest Safari, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Internet Explorer
  5. Teams App